Studies and writings about archangels reflect ancient, nondenominational viewpoints. Old monotheistic spiritual texts list 15 archangels. They’re sometimes called by different names, but here are their most common ones, along with their specialties and characteristics:



ArielHer name means “Lioness of God.” She heals and helps wild animals and the environment.

l        愛瑞爾:她名字的意思是“上帝的母獅子”。她療癒並幫助野生動物以及生態環境。


AzraelHis name means ”Whom God Helps.” He heals the grief-stricken, and also helps those who are consoling the bereaved.

l        愛瑟瑞爾:他名字的意思是“上帝所幫助者”。他療癒受到打擊的創痛,並幫助那些安慰喪失親人的人。


ChamuelHis name means “He Who Sees God.” He eases anxiety; brings about global and personal peace; and helps to find lost objects, situations, and people.

l        夏彌爾:他名字的意思是“能看見上帝者”。他舒緩焦慮的情緒,帶來了關於地球與個人的和平與寧靜;他並協助我們去找到失去的物件、狀況以及人。


GobrielHer name means “Messenger of God.” She heals women during pregnancy and childbirth, and relieves anxiety regarding creative projects. She particularly assists parents, journalists, and orators.

l        加百列:她名字的意思是“上帝的傳訊者”。她療癒在懷孕與生產過程中的婦女,並減輕對於有創意的企劃所產生的焦慮。她尤能協助父母、新聞工作者、以及演說家。


HanielHer name means “Glory of God.” She supports women during their monthly cycles and helps with clairvoyance.

l        漢妮爾:她名字的意思是“上帝的榮耀”。她支援處在月事來臨期間的婦女,並對開發天眼通有所幫助。


JeremielHis name means “Mercy of God.” He heals with emotions, helping us review and take inventory of our lives so that we may forgive, and plan for positive change.

l        耶利米爾:他名字的意思是“上帝的悲憫”。他療癒各種情緒,幫助我們回顧並檢視我們的生命,讓我們能夠寬恕,以及計畫去做出正面的改變。


JophielHer name means “Beauty of God.” She heals negative and chaotic situations; and brings beauty and organization to our thoughts, home, office, and other environments.

l        喬菲兒:她名字的意思是“上帝之美”。她療癒負面以及混亂的狀況,並為我們的思想、居家、辦公室以及其他環境帶來美與秩序。


MetatronHe was the prophet Enoch. He heals learning disorders and childhood issues, and helps with the new Indigo and Crystal Children.

l        麥達昶:他曾是先知伊諾赫。他療癒學習障礙以及孩提時期的課題,並且幫助新時代的靛藍及水晶小孩們。


MichaelHis name means “He Who Is Like God.” He releases us from fear and doubt, protects us, and clears away negativity.

l        邁可:他名字的意思是“他就等同上帝”。他將我們從恐懼與疑慮中釋放出來,保護我們,並且清除負面的事物。


RaguelHis name means “Friend of God.” He brings harmony to all relationships, and helps to heal misunderstandings.

l        拉貴爾:他名字的意思是“上帝的朋友”。他為所有的關係帶來和諧,並協助療癒誤解。


RaphaelHis name means “He Who Heals.” He heals human and animal physical ailments and guides healers and would-be healers.

l        拉斐爾:他名字的意思是“療癒者”。他療癒人類與動物身體上的病痛,並且指導著療癒者以及即將成為療癒者的人。


RazielHis name means “Secrets of God.” He heals spiritual and psychic blocks, and helps us with dream interpretations and past-life memories.

l        拉基爾:他名字的意思是“上帝的秘密”。他療癒靈性上與精神上的阻塞,並且幫助我們詮釋演出夢想、以及回想起過去生的記憶。


SandalphonHe was the prophet Elijah. He heals aggressive tendencies, and helps musicians and music used for healing purposes.

l        山達芬:他曾是先知以利亞。他療癒好鬥的傾向,並且幫助音樂家以及以療癒為目的的音樂創作。


UrielHis name means “God Is Light.” He heals resentment and unforgiveness, and gives us insight and new ideas.

l        優利爾:他名字的意思是“上帝即是光”。他療癒忿怒以及無法寬恕的心,並且給予我們洞見與新的見解。


ZadkielHis name means “Righteousness of God.” He heals memory problems and assists with other mental functions.

l        薩基爾:他名字的意思是“上帝的公正”。他療癒記憶的問題與協助處理其他心智功能的問題。


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